Presses : 5 reasons to go electric !

Energy savings, reduced machine maintenance, increased productivity… : the industrial electric presses meet the needs of the industry of the future.
In today’s context where industry 4.0 forms the core of production processes and where corporate social and environmental responsibility is being increasingly highlighted; it is necessary to adapt our manufacturing methods.

Thus, the electric press has many advantages that solve various problems :

Reduced maintenance

A hydraulic press requires significant running maintenance : oil change, replacement of filters and seals, leaks… Its electric counterpart is free from all of these troubles, which makes it possible to obtain a cleaner working environment and to limit the possibilities of malfunction.

Reduced energy consumption

Energy saving remains the most convincing reason favoring an all-electric press. Indeed, is this type of machine, the maximum power is obtained only during the tool opening/closing phase. During other phases such as wait/stand by, the energy consumption is almost zero. Thus, the electric press consumes 50% less energy during production.

presse electrique e-p100


A fully electric press ensures higher precision. Being numerical control, the press stroke is fully repeatable and does not require any special adjustments to meet the required specifications.

Increased productivity

In addition to increased precision, all-electric technology simplifies production and improves machine performance, ensuring extremely fast set-up and start-up times.
The absence of hydraulic components reduces maintenance time and prevents the risk of component wear, ensuring maximum long-term reliability and improved productivity. This therefore has a direct impact on your production turnover while reducing your manufacturing costs.

Silent functioning

The presence of a pump on hydraulic presses can be potentially noisy, which does not facilitate working conditions during its use. Its electric equivalent is quieter thanks to a fully electric motor.

Because we think about your future and that of the planet, we have designed an electric press that meets all these criteria. Compact, powerful, efficient – it will surely convince you to switch to electric.

You need to find out more ? Consult our page dedicated to electric presses and contact us !

Think about the future and go electric !