Main features
- All-in-one CNC bending machine for hairpin and single leg parts
- Fast, precise and consistent
- Multiple bends made in a single stroke thanks to accurate tools
- Quick changeover systems to accommodate different type of tools
- Can work:
– From coil: in-line decoiler with smooth acceleration and soft gripper to protect wire from laminations and marks optional laser stripping and chamfering
– From cut-to-length: blanks to be loaded in a cassette (can be already stripped, chamfered)
Man / Machine interface
- 19″ Touchscreen HMI available in many languages
- Remote support and chat room for quick assistance
- Teach-in Pendant for fine tuning
Discover our other CNC machines
Leading manufacturer in productivity solutions for wire, tube and flatstock forming
With the expertise, history and experience of 9 brands gathered under one banner Numalliance is dedicated to satisfy your needs. From standard or custom built machines and workcells for tube, wire and flat stock bending, to special hydraulic presses, and all other secondary operations your end product might require.
Leading manufacturer in productivity solutions for wire, tube and flatstock bending, Numalliance conceives and realises standard or custom-made installations, integrating ancillary operations such as endforming, flattening, punching, assembly, welding, upsetting, chamfering, machining, threading… as well as inline dimensional control and self correction.
You are a producer of metal part in wire, tube or flatsotck parts, and look for a cost effective way of doing so. Numalliance will innovate with you and propose the optimized and high-performance solutions tailored to your specific objective

Numalliance is here to understand your needs and respond effectively